My friend Lucy strikes again. The offer was half a pig ready for the freezer. Just how many chops can you get out of a pig? Well, that was my half a pig. A bag full of chops. Still trying to work it out. Perhaps I got the top half?
Saturday, 31 October 2009
My friend Lucy strikes again. The offer was half a pig ready for the freezer. Just how many chops can you get out of a pig? Well, that was my half a pig. A bag full of chops. Still trying to work it out. Perhaps I got the top half?
Thursday, 29 October 2009
My grandson is one today!

For the first time ever I am booking this at the Senior Citizen Rate for almost all of us..... yes, its good for the pocket, but not so good for the street cred! Or ones self image.
On trying to retire - we have had an offer on the business - a very silly one. We hope that a better offer is being considered, and put forward and that I can really start to be an old woman putting into practise wearing purple. Happy Birthday Zachary.
I just have to tell you about my friend Lucy's latest bit of advice. Her daughter and family are off to Australia for the next four years. So I said, "You need a webcam Lucy." She said, "Och no I have the SKYPE. I can talk to them for nothing." I said, " But you want to see them." to which she replied, "Ach, well you need a web cam for that." I LOVE LUCY.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
The last room to be 'dressed'. Our viewing yesterday took over two hours. Hopefully a good sign. Lots of intelligent questions. But guess which idiot didnt ask any intelligent questions? Yes - me. Like, "Have you a house to sell?" "Are you in a position to proceed?" etc. Doh. I was being asked about selling the furniture to them and what sort of offer would I accept, (one I cant refuse I replied.) All sounds promising, but remais to be seen or heard.
I am having a day 'off' today. House cleaned to an inch of its life. What I still have to do is wash and iron all the bedding for all three guest rooms as in the rush to get it all 'dressed' I just threw over the throws (!) and stuffed everything into wardrobes that shouldnt be seen. Now pondering as to where everything that shouldnt be seen is.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Don't we all feel like this somedays?

My grandson Zac. Nearly one year old. I wish I could join in. I am in limbo - bored - do I create a task? Ot continue to sit and wait for someone, please someone, come and view the house! I think I need a trip to Aberdeen and some retail therapy and inspiration for some transforming of a room! I have plenty to go at.....
I just wish I could join in!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Another week - gone!
The geese are back in their thousands. This lot are heading back to their roosting spot in the late afternoon, to Strathbeg. So in the morning we have them heading in the other direction, I wish I could give you the sound, its amazing.
An odd week. We had a couple of work men booked in for the week, who didnt turn up, hmmm. Then a couple of one nighters, hard work! Now a couple in for the weekend visiting family. Absolutely glorious weather, very still, blue skies, but with that autumnal nip in the air. I tidied up the greenhouse, Mike gave the grass the last cut. We have bought the gravel to complete the patio so fingers crossed the weather holds. I am trying to get up some energy to repaint one of the guests rooms. If we are stopping it will have to be done, and as no-one has even come to look at the house it looks as if we are stopping.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Fish Fest 2009
Mike has been really busy with co-ordinating all the different activities for the Fish Fest. The Art competition, market stalls, etc. along with all the other things he is involved with has made our two weeks 'off' a very tiring two weeks. The dinner on Friday night was most enjoyable. Mike got to sit at the top table, while our table broke the record for the rowdiest. Note the evil grins - we had just appropriated a couple of bottles of red wine - well it was just going to waste!
Thursday, 8 October 2009
A mornings work.
I am totally impressed with myself! I bought a pine shelf, about £8, painted it with the same paint as the walls, found the additional tiles in the loft, (to go above the shelf) They are made by Neken, and are brilliant, you can even cut them with scissors. Re-painted the wall also - still the rest of the room to do! But I am the type of decorater who paints a wall and re-hangs the pictures before they are dry.... The units at either side used to be on the ends of a wall cupboard, which we took down, a) because it was about to fall down,and b) being small I don't 'do' wall cupboards. Brilliant! If I say so myself.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Pretty (?) patio
All I can say is wow. There was a patio there before, but it hadnt been laid properly, (nothing to do with me!) And there were no wee steps. I cant wait for the gale to stop and get out there and finish the prettying.
I may have to do some duck prevention as any plants or pots they dig up. Unless I can get very tall pots. Nice bit of gravel round the edges, my table and chairs, and I can just see me drifting out there in my dressing gown of a morning, or better still, in the evening, then I can have a wine down.
It does seem odd having someone in to do the work. Bit hard is the paying for it part! But it does get done! Upstairs in the two bedrooms, and the bathroom, all is calm, neutral and tasteful. Gone is the black wallpaper and ceiling in the bathroom, the 'barbed wire' loo seat, now the bathroom walls are a pale pink, the bedrooms 'soft linen'.
I am so impressed I have got the chap to quote for papering guest room one and our bedroom. Must remember we are supposed to be moving......
Thursday, 1 October 2009
I am a fish!

The best part of the trip was seeing the cuttlefish being fed, and I didn't get a picture!
A first today - I am having a chap come in and do some decorating. Always done my own before. He is to transform upstairs, coat(s) of paint on bedroom walls, and wallpaper in the bathroom. He is also to re-lay a patio outside our bedroom, so I may just be able to enjoy a glass of wine out there, before it becomes too cold. Cheers. Slainte.
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