Saturday 2 May 2009

Everything growing - including my hair.

Lots of crops in and out of the greenhouse. Broad and runner beans, mange tout, courgettes, broccoli, tomatoes, and lettuce leaves. Tulips replacing the daffs in the garden, the Rogersii ready to launch its rocket of a flower, and the rhodedendrons just beginning to bloom. Isn't May lovely! At the back of the house all the cherry trees are in bloom, just in time for our first visitors from Japan. Our other visitors are from Belgium . They have the shooting rights for an area nearby. The results of which are a deer corpse hanging in our shed. Although I love venison I am not going to have any of this one......
The final picture of this posting is me all ready for my weekly Rotarian meeting. In early June we have a black tie do, which has totally thrown me as I haven't the faintest idea of what to wear. Any suggestions? My fellow female rotarians have suggested a cocktail dress as I am 'small', what the hell does one of them look like? A Harvey Wallbanger?

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