Tuesday, 30 December 2008


Everyone gone. Just me -
and the Christmas Tree - in the dark!
Full day's work today, complete clean
of room one (we have three letting bedrooms.) Ironing Super King Size
bedding, fitted sheet, flat sheet, quilt cover (this is a major physical battle and the cover usually wins), four pillow cases.
Experimented with washing expensive silk, quilted bed-spread - its label said DRY CLEAN ONLY. Nuts to that. It worked fine.
Mike has gone to battle his way round the supermarket. Pre-Christmas it was a doddle, but pre-Hogmanay the patrons will be clearing the shelves of alcahol. Then Scotland shuts down for longer than it does at Christmas.
Although I do know there is a wee shop in the next village, run by 'Sid' Ali, who reckons he takes me on New Years Day than he does all year....

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