Saturday 29 August 2009

Getting there...

Our bedroom finally gets a make over.
Reason being we are putting Greenbrae on the market. So everywhere has to look good! Not just the guest quarters.
My health - and both of us now ready for a life style change we hope that someone else will fall in love with Greenbrae.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Catching up!

Not exactly walking down the aisle, walking down one of our corridors.
However, they will be one day. This happy couple stayed with us Friday night and Saturday night. He has been on the telephone to us almost every night for the last two weeks. His intention - to propose to her. I had to source and obtain a very expensive bouquet of flowers, chocolates and pink champagne. Got myself into a right state wondering what to do if she said NO. However, off they went Saturday morning and he apparently went down on bended knee in the ruins of spooky Slains Castle and she said YES. This is them off for a celebratory meal at the Kilmarnock Arms, who also pulled out all the stops for them.
I am now going to market us as THE place for a romantic weekend.......
We have been very busy , very, very, busy. So it was nice to refuse bookings for the weekend so that they could have the place to themselves. We also benefitted as we could go to a friends barbecue today, Sunday. Rain, wind of course today....but who cares!

Monday 10 August 2009

Back to...

ploughing the furrow. And ironing, bed-making etc.
We have just had over a week of wall to wall sunshine and the temperature well over 20 degrees. The farmers are very pleased as they begin to cut the crops it lessens them having to use the dryers on the cut barley grains. At night when it is quiet you can hear these dryers mumbling away.
Our visitors are mainly from Europe. French, Belgian, Spanish and Italian. Next week the Australians, seeking ancestors. More of these in September. In fact we have guests in every night now until mid September. So its on with the ironing.