We were the first bed and breakfast in the area to receive this award, in 2006, at the inception of the scheme. There are three awards, Bronze, Silver and Gold. To get Gold was a real pat on the back for our efforts. Re-cycling has been second nature to us for years. Despite running a bed and breakfast our wheelie bin is only half full when it is emptied every two weeks, by the council. Food scraps - some go to the hens and garden birds, some are composted and some go into the cone which is buried in the ground.
A good web site is Freecycle, there is one of these in most areas. Anything you no longer want can be offered to save it going to land fill. Even broken items, we got rid of a petrol lawn mower to a man who could fix it.
One of the most significant areas, for me, is that we use hardly any chemicals. Vinegar, lemon, bicarbonate of soda, borax are used for cleaning. Soda crystals or herbal tea bags for mopping the floors. A plus is that all these are very cheap to buy!
I could go on - but will get off the soap box now.